Application for Membership

The objective and purpose of CARI is to foster the interests of those persons or companies engaged in the recycling of steel, iron, paper, non-ferrous metals, plastics, rubber, textiles and commodities of every nature and allied businesses and to conserve the natural resources of Canada by: promoting uniformity, certainty and ethical practices in the customs and usage of trade and commerce of its members; defining product standards and terminology; co-operating in research and development; acquiring, preserving and disseminating relevant data and information; encouraging the exchange of ideas for the common good and welfare of its members; providing for members voluntary dispute resolution mechanisms; and generally promoting and fostering a broad and friendly intercourse among businessmen and the public. The undersigned hereby applies for membership in the Canadian Association of Recycling Industries, CARI, and agrees, if accepted by the Board of Directors, to pay all fees and dues and to abide by the by-laws, guiding principles and policies of CARI.

Application for Membership Eng
  • Basic Information
  • Select Membership
  • Company Information

Membership Categories

There are 2 classes of CARI membership divided into 7 categories. 

Class 1 - Active Members: Active Members are business entities engaged in producing, purchasing, selling, processing, handling or otherwise dealing in or with recyclable materials.

Class 2 - Non-Active Members: Non-Active Members include Associate Members, business enterprises not directly engaged in recycling but in an allied industry or an industry serving the recycling industries; Affiliate Members, organizations such as trade associations or government departments whose objectives are consistent with those of CARI; and Non-Resident Members, business entities that do not operate a facility in Canada and qualify as active members, but prefer not to become active members.

Optional Additional Listing and Mailing Service

Annual dues entitle a member to list one plant or office in the annual CARI MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY. Each listed location receives one set of mailings e.g., notice of meetings, monthly newsletters, bulletins, the membership directory, policies and plans, reports such as “Environmental Best Practices Guidelines,” etc. Other branch plants may be listed and receive all materials for an annual fee of $200 per location. Please provide the following information for each additional branch plant.

Provide the following Company Information

Please select the most appropriate type of business activity in which your company is engaged.

Active Members Only

All Members

Give us a call (905) 864-5083

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