COVID-19 New Brunswick

Who can continue to operate in New Brunswick?

Garbage removal, landfill and recycling removal businesses are not required to cease operations, but must apply all the physical distancing and hygiene recommendations of the Chief Public Health Officer.

Owners and managers of all workplaces are required to take every reasonable step to:

Provincial support for businesses

WorkSafeNB has deferred employer premiums without interest for February, March, and April 2020. Businesses that report their monthly payroll must continue to report during this period. Businesses that have paid for the full year may submit a revised payroll estimate during the year and WorkSafeNB can adjust your account. For more information contact Assessment Services at 1-800 999-9775 (option 4).

Government Loans
The Government of New Brunswick, through Opportunities New Brunswick, is providing operating loans of up to $100,000 to small businesses, with no interest payments in the first 12 months. Companies considering a request should first (1) speak to their Financial Institution regarding options, (2) look for federal programs (3) and put cash flow projections together for 6 months to assess Working Capital needs.

Existing Loans
Businesses may defer loan and interest repayments for up to six months on existing provincial loans. The deferral can be requested by contacting the department that issued the loan.

Provincial Tax Deferrals
Business property taxes must be paid by May 31, but late penalties will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to see if the penalty can be waived for June 1 and July 1 due to undue financial challenges, such as having to close a business due to COVID-19.

All New Brunswick businesses may defer, until after August 31, 2020, the payment of any income tax amounts that become owing on or after March 18 and before September 2020.

Give us a call (905) 864-5083

We’re here to help! If you have problems getting through you can email us and we’ll get back to you soon.