Quebec Chapter

Resources for CARI Members in Quebec

The resources to the following topics address key issues of particular interest to members in Quebec. Use these links to keep up-to-date on current regulations and recommended practices that affect your business.

If you have further questions about any topic, talk to your fellow members or contact CARI directly for assistance: [email protected]

Metal Theft

Quebec currently has no legal requirements for recycling businesses regarding the collection of information on purchased materials. CARI is, however, watching carefully as other provinces consider new rules for source identification and data retention.

We are actively advocating to ensure that government does not make recyclers responsible for crime prevention. CARI’s position on material theft policy is outlined here.

ELV Standards

Association des recycleurs de pièces d’autos et de camions (ARPAC) is a long-time leader in the efficient removal and reuse of automotive parts, establishing guidelines for the safe disposal of end-of-life vehicles.

The Canadian Auto Recyclers’ Environmental Code (CAREC) was developed in 2008 for automotive recyclers.

Fire Safety

The requirements related to fire protection which are set out in the Building chapter of the Safety Code are the same as the ones set out by the National Fire Code – Canada 2010 (NFC).

Quebec’s Fire Safety Act is administered by the Minister of Public Security.

Employee Health & Labour Codes

Employees of scrap metal and recycling operations are governed under the general employment standards set by the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST).

Workers’ Rights and Protections are outlined in this recent CNESST brochure designed for newcomers and immigrants, but also providing a useful introduction for all new employees and employers.

WHMIS in Quebec: As of December 1, 2018, all workplaces must comply with WHMIS 2015 requirements. The transition period came to an end on November 30, 2018.

CNESST oversees the implementation and enforcement of WHMIS standards, the Hazardous Products Act (HPA) and related regulations.

The Work Environment is also protected under protections of the Environment Quality Act.

Environmental Protection

Quebec’s Environment Quality Act provides the comprehensive framework for multiple regulatory standards related to the operation of scrap metal recycling and processing.


Requirements for securing and transporting hazardous loads are defined by Quebec’s Ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité durable et de l’Électrification des transports.

Transport Canada has published a list of potential regulatory changes or actions that are under consideration by its Motor Vehicle Safety group.

Handling Special Materials

Give us a call (905) 864-5083

We’re here to help! If you have problems getting through you can email us and we’ll get back to you soon.