Alberta Chapter

Resources for Alberta CARI Members

The resources for the following topics address key issues of particular interest to members in Alberta. Use these links to keep up-to-date on current regulations and recommended practices that affect your business.

If you have further questions about any topic, talk to your fellow members or contact CARI directly for assistance:

Metal Theft

The Scrap Metal Dealers and Recyclers Identification Act, which sets out requirements for recyclers to record the source of scrap metals they purchase, came into force on November 5, 2019.

The Scrap Metal Dealers and Recyclers Regulation falls under this Act. A portion of the regulations comes into force in Alberta on September 1, 2020. A second portion of the regulations comes into force on November 1, 2020.

Key Points for Each Phase:

September 1:

November 1:

Scrap metal dealers operating in the City of Calgary are required to record all transaction information and provide it to police and are not permitted to accept wire/cable that has been burnt or stripped as per Business Licence Bylaw 32M98 (56 SALVAGE YARD/AUTO WRECKER)

We continue to advocate that recyclers should not be responsible for crime prevention. CARI’s position on material theft policy is outlined here.

ELV Standards

The Alberta Automotive Recyclers & Dismantlers Association (AARDA) advocates for environmentally responsible practices in the salvage and recycling of end-of-life vehicles.

The Canadian Auto Recyclers’ Environmental Code (CAREC) was developed in 2008 for automotive recyclers.

Fire Safety

The Safety Services division of Alberta Municipal Affairs is responsible for administration of the Alberta Fire Code under the Safety Codes Act. Copies of the Alberta Fire Code are available for purchase from National Research Council Publications.

Employee Health & Labour Codes

Employees of scrap metal and recycling operations are governed under the general employment standards in force in Alberta. Rules and regulations for employee rights, working conditions and safety are published on the Government of Alberta website.

Environmental Protection

Use the Province of Ontario’s starter kit for compliance with legislation concerning waste water, air quality, hazardous materials, etc.


Alberta EDGE (Environmental and Dangerous Goods Emergencies) is Alberta’s 24-hour emergency response centre for reporting releases or anticipated releases of dangerous goods in transport.

Alberta EDGE has also published a guide for transport operators to ensure compliance with the provincial Dangerous Goods Transportation and Handling Act and Dangerous Goods Transportation and Handling Regulation as well as the Federal Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulation.

Transport Canada has published a list of potential regulatory changes or actions that are under consideration by its Motor Vehicle Safety group.

Handling Special Materials

Recyclers who wish to operate as a drop-off depot for electronic waste, used tires, or used oil in Alberta are required to register with Alberta Recycling. An outline of the requirements and application process are posted on their website:

Alberta Recycling has also published an online Manual for Registered Used Oil Collectors and Processors.

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning equipment which contains Freon is covered by Alberta’s Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, under Ozone-depleting Substances and Halocarbons Regulation.

The Beverage Container Management Board (BCMB) is Alberta’s non-for-profit organization responsible for regulating Alberta’s beverage container recycling system, including aluminum cans and milk jugs.

  • Recyclers may apply to the BCMB for a permit to Open a New Depot or to purchase an existing depot.
  • BCMB Bylaws governing collection depots have been updated recently and will be under review in 2019.