Soirée des consommateurs 2018

  La 21e Soirée annuelle des consommateurs de l’ACIR, à laquelle quelque 200 invités ont participé, fut un autre des événements marquants de l’année. Parmi les entreprises consommatrices participantes, se trouvaient Matalco, ArcelorMittal Dofasco, Tonolli Canada, Gerdau, Rochester Aluminum, Real Alloy, Glencore, Ingot Metal, The Federal Metal Company et TMS International. Y participèrent également de […]

77th Annual Convention Speaker Presentations

Trade Panel   Michael Burt, Executive Director, Industrial Economic Trends The Conference Board of Canada Michael Burt is the Director responsible for the Industrial Economic Trends group at The Conference Board of Canada. Mr. Burt joined the CBoC in 2004, he has moved progressively into more senior positions since joining the Board. Before joining the […]

THE PROMPT Newsletter of the Canadian Association of Recycling Industries Volume 9, No. 2, February 2017

THE PROMPT Newsletter of the Canadian Association of Recycling Industries Volume 9, No. 2, February 2017 SAFETY TIPS LOCKOUT/TAG OUT Lockout/tag out safety procedures protect employees from hazardous energy released by machinery while they complete routine maintenance or servicing work. Though regulations vary by province, Canadian legislation requires employers to uphold a good standard of practice regarding […]

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